Between this and Money Train, I put Snipes right up there with other action stars of the ‘90s like Jackie Chan, Stallone, and Schwarzenegger. Not by a long shot, and Snipes’ coolness lifts this film off the ground to create a badass action movie that is often quite silly, but always awesome. But Wesley Snipes is not the mystery that is Steven Seagal. Passenger 57 could have dovetailed and been an airborne version of Under Siege. But you already knew that, right? It’s pretty much this film’s most famous line of dialogue. Remember that “always bet on black” line I used in the intro? Yeah, that’s from this movie.

It probably went something like this: It’s like Die Hard … but on a plane! Because that pretty much sums up the plot of Passenger 57, which single-handedly made Wesley Snipes an action star overnight.

I can already picture the elevator pitch for Passenger 57.